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It’s good to have ‘high-profile’ friends…


Scoops Magazine interviews Channing in August edition.

Make sure to check this month’s edition of Scoops Magazine.  They did a GREAT article/interview on me.  Click here, (August Scoops) then download magazine to your computer.  Let me know what ya think!


New record…’Summer Rains Have Gone’

It’s here!  Finally after several set-backs and delays, my new record is finished.  It’s called, ‘Summer Rains Have Gone’.  Many of you know me as Channing ‘piano guy’.  Well, I’m excited to show you another side of who I am…the singer/songwriter side of me.  I have been writing for several years now…long before I started with my first group, (Poet Voices).  I can’t wait for you to hear it.  It is now available in the STORE.  Pick up your copy today!

